Freedom Online Radio DXFR 104.1

Freedom Online Radio DXFR 104.1


Visit Main Site; Freedom Online Radio


“A recognized and the first choice online radio in the region that strongly upholds and promote its broadcast service dedicated fully to its advocacy as a steward of peace and love for the protection of mother earth. Thus, embraces essential public service to our Filipino community as an environmentalistic and nationalistic online radio broadcast.”


β€œTo enrich the mind and nourish the spirit of camaraderie of fellow Filipinos worldwide. Thereby, adhere and expand the awareness and the perspective of our audiences in nurturing the cause and always encourage promoting information in the form of broadcasting media, totally aligned with its advocacy in the protection of mother earth. Further, undertake other worthy causes in the service to mankind simply bringing the message of hope and love for the environment through music, entertainment, and balanced information.”

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